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Joël Schiro Distribution
Serving professionals

 Honey trading (only in 300 Kg drums)


Specialized trading only with European honey in barrels of 300 kg
(No sale to individuals in small packages)

J.S.D. is:

  • 1,000 honey producing hives in the Pyrenean mountains.

  • A flourishing network of producers, covering practically every region in France, as well as other southern European countries.

  • A selection of honey designated by:

    • botanical origin,

    • and/or geographical origin

  • A strict quality check is made on each in-coming batch,

  • The ability to satisfy all honey packers and processors:

    • either with wholesale volumes of crop honey,

    • or with monofloral or honey from specific regions to satisfy even the most demanding customers).

We have a regular supply of the following honey types:

Monofloral from the mountains, the Landes, forests or the plains

Heather (ling) Acacia Rhododendron
Heather (erica) Lavender Raspberry
Chestnut Fir Rosemary
Lime Honeydew Alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus)
Rape Orange blossom Eucalyptus
Sunflower Thyme Etc.

Regional honey

Pyrénées Mixed mountain flowers from different European mountain ranges
The Landes Provence Gascogne, etc.

Don't hesitate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating your exact requirements and potential needs.

Sale of bee colonies

rucher neige

We are specialist suppliers of our local strain of honeybee from the Pyrenees. Thirty years of careful selection have given us a practically pure strain of local honeybee. An extremely hardy bee, it can survive long periods of famine without any supplementary feeding and is particularly suited to gathering summer mountain varieties of nectar such as heather, honeydew, chestnut, fir, etc.
It is also very useful for breeding drones in zones for hybrid mating..


  • we don't sell queenbees,

  • minimum order: 20 colonies,

  • we don't send. You have to comme here.

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Expert evaluation, advice, appraisals

Expert evaluation - we specialize in evaluating apiaries after poisoning in heavily cultivated areas, for:

  • insurance payments,
  • legal proceedings,
  • etc…

Advice - in all aspects of beekeeping and production.

Appraisals - buying, selling, successions.


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Office - Secretariat

Joël Schiro Distribution
2 impasse du Bois
F-65350 Boulin
Tel. : +33 (0)
Mobile : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
Email :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web : www.apiculture.com/jsd

Delivery - Storage - Dispatch

Joël Schiro Distribution
125 bd Alsace Lorraine
F-65000 Tarbes
Tel.: +33 (0)
Mobile: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.apiculture.com/jsd

TVA CEE : FR 043 908 666 06 - SIRET : 390 866 606 000 10 - RCS Tarbes : B390 866 606 - APE : 513 T